DarkRP Job Generator

The name that will be displayed for this job

The category this job belongs to (e.g. Civil Protection, Gangsters)

The model or models used to by this job.

The salary the player receive.

The maximum amount of players that can use this job at the same time.

The color used for the job in the F4 menu, HUD and such.

The weapons the job will spawn with.

Generated Code

    TEAM_CITIZEN = DarkRP.createJob("Citizen", {
      color = Color(255, 0, 0),
      model = "models/player/Group01/male_01.mdl",
      description = [[Citizen]],
      weapons = {},
      command = "/citizen",
      max = 4,
      salary = 45,
      admin = 0,
      vote = false,
      hasLicense = false,
      category = "Citizens",
      canDemote = true,